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Its Ya Boi, Alex

Pair of Probes Go Further Than Any Humans Ever

Voyager 1 and 2 are a group of spacecraft that were launched to generate a better understanding of the system of planets we reside in. The probes were launched back in the '70s, they have completed a circut of the solar system and are currently exploring outside the SOlar Bubble, or the area of solar wind generated by the light from the star. As they go firther and further away, "Voyager 1 data takes about 19 hours to reach Earth, and signals from Voyager 2 about 16 hours" (The Atlantic). This means that as the probe flies farther into interstellar space, it will reach a point where the satalites will be physically incapible of creating a signal strong enough to make it back to earth. WHen thsi happens, Earth will lose its ablity to learn more about the area around us.

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