Social distancing done right! Some creative photographers have used the COVID-19 social distancing order to document various families' smiles during these trying times.
"Porch Portraits" has blown up on social media as a fun coping mechanism for creatives and families alike! Professional photographer Analise Lawson decided to travel around her community and photograph her neighbors as they journey through self-quarantine. Lawson has used this time to artistically express her care for others by offering her photography services for free during the pandemic. She simply has her clients pose in front of their houses, snaps a few photos (from a safe distance of course), edits, and then posts them.

Acts of service and kindness are always welcome, but they truly make a difference to so many during this time. Analise stated that she "thought this would be a perfect opportunity to get out within the guidelines of the stay-at-home order and walk around town getting cute photos of other families for their memories during this time."
Thank you to all the photographers participating in #porchportraits! Your kindness does not go unnoticed!
[2 photos, 1 quote, 1 link, 180 words]