From an article by Rachel Glickhouse, nearly 8,000 jobs were lost in 2019 in the media industry, both digital and print. Similar to anybody who becomes unemployed, Glickhouse asserts that many journalists struggle to find or stay in positions that offer stability and health benefits by taking on freelance or part-time as contractors. An issue facing journalists today is the need for making media sustainable in the future in order to hold positions more stably. Additionally, many unemployed journalists face many financial, professional, and psychological hardships. Not only does the shortage of media jobs directly impact individuals like journalists, Glickhouse claims that it is also indirectly impacts "the media ecosystem as a whole, especially as journalism relies on collaboration". The reduction in journalists hinders Glickhouse's ability to reach wider audiences and tell more stories because she depends on local newsrooms. This problem facing journalism today is "not only a business problem, but also a human resource problem", as Glickhouse concluded.
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