Many celebrities and artists look so perfect on social media that one can easily be fouled to be real. Many celebrities and people edit and photoshop their pictures so their appearance can be more attractive or more satisfying to themselves. “Now that influencers fill up our feeds, it's easy to imagine that social media, too, is all bad when it comes to body image.” These celebrities and fashion models are frequently in our feed and advertisement that one can feel self-conscious about their appearance. When this type of news feed that exists in our daily use of social media it can be overwhelming because everyone has insecurities and seeing people have everything perfect all the time makes one feel like only, they are not perfect. One can always find ways to follow or subscribe to nature or positive influence to help gain self-love because not everything on the internet is real and everyone has insecurities.
[1 Image, 1 links, 1 quotation, 155 words]