Apple and Spotify butt heads when it comes to podcasts. Podcasts are gaining more popularity day by day. People listen to podcasts every day. Podcasts are digital audio files, a lot like songs, but there are people talking about various topics. Spotify has various collections of podcasts and so does Apple. But Apple has always been ahead of Spotify. Podcasts can also be compared to radio. Since podcasts have gained momentum, Spotify is planning to put “a simple news channel” in the form of podcasts. It will have “a curated playlist of individual podcast episodes.” According to Felix Salmon, “Apple doesn’t allow such playlists, giving Spotify a clear advantage in the space.” Spotify has already started experimenting with “car commuters”. People love to listen to music or podcasts while driving. News in podcast form will make it easier for people to gain news, especially the ones with hectic schedules. It will also enable people to gain information on their choice of news. It seems like the future of news is close and it has us all amazed and at the same time grateful for the convenience.