News sites can be polar opposites when it comes to how they are written or received. Things like tone can play into how they are read and how they are received by the target audience. Currently, Fox and CNN news are almost polar opposites when one takes a look at their homepage. Fox has articles and links with advertisements all over the place, with all caps headlines, kind of a more “in your face” approach when it comes to how they are organized. While CNN on the other hand has a more organized and controlled approach with more calming headlines and less advertisements surrounding their articles. The reason why Fox may take a more abrasive stance towards news is because they really aren’t a so called news station, their articles are riddled with opinions along with their TV network, as seen by Laurence Levine, in a blog post on quora “FOX is a propaganda wing of the Republican Party and is for the most part NOT news, it is entertainment” (Levine 2). All of this controversy further feeds into the division of our nation.
