"Project Censored" is a website whose mission is to expose the news that is apparently kept secret from the public. Their goal is to "educate[s] students and the public about the importance of a truly free press for democratic self-government" (https://www.projectcensored.org/our-mission-promoting-critical-media-literacy-and-democracy/).
An article published on their website, called "When the Truth is a Lie, an Image is an Ethical Selfie", discusses the choices reporters and photojournalists are faced with. They have to make the choice between reporting what is right and true or reporting what will make their story go 'viral'. The article includes a quote from a senior faculty member in broadcast and online at Poynter Institute stating that a "professional must be willing to overcome the bias to report the truth” (Davidian 2020).
[1 quotation, 1 image, 1 link, 130 words]