Zizi Papacharissi, author of "The year we rebuild the infrastructure of truth " gave a take on journalism and the problems they face when having to speak on the truth. An analogy she used was experiments that scientist do. She explained that "Science is trained to defend the truth" for example if someone had an hypothesis they have to defend their statement by experiments and getting results. Journalist on the other hand have to find the truth. This being a harder situation because they're so many holes, miscommunications, and lies that could be hiding the actually truth that they are looking for. Zizi's solution having both scientist and journalist work together to find the truth. She explains, for example, "putting commentators and self-proclaimed analysts on air can make for more dramatic news and might increase ratings for a short while. But it drives away audiences in the long term. To this end, scientists must learn to tell better stories about their findings. To make their research more relatable.". This is an interesting take on reforming journalism... could this be a solution or just another problem in the future?
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