After watching the film "All the President's Men", I have learned a ton about what it's like to be a journalist. Now, the film did provide me with the typical depiction of the role that a journalist plays in everyday society as the reporters (Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein) investigate one of the biggest events that took place during that decade, the Watergate Scandal. It demonstrated how important and courageous journalism truly is to everyday society. But not only that, it shows the viewer what it's like in the everyday life of a journalist. Throughout the movie it displays the work environment in high detail through the replication of the Post's Office by director George Jenkins. With "nearly 200 desks" and a ton of paperwork across each one of those desks it's clear to the viewer how chaotic a journalist's life can be. Furthermore, the film emphasized the chaos even more as "very few ties in this film are knotted with any authority," displaying the stressful lifestyle of these journalists. All in all, the film shows that journalism is not as easy as it may seem.
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