Even though COVID-19 might seem like it is gone due to not being the in news headlines very much anymore, it is still very much here and at the time of writing this the amount of cases in the U.S. have reached 2.2 million cases and 119 thousand deaths and those numbers are still rising. The Republicans blame the rising number and the steady increase of new cases on more testing, however blue states that are keeping up more strict guidelines still are seeing a decrease in cases with an increase in testing. Just this week Governor Abbott in Texas made it where unemployment will require work searches again meaning that they are ready for people to jump off unemployment and go back to work even though it would potentially put more lives in danger. Even Dr.Fauci seems to be in agreement with Republicans as when asked about reinstating lockdowns due to surges in states like California and Texas he said "I don't think we're going to be talking about going back to lockdown", but rather "I think we're going to be talking about trying to better control those areas of the country that seem to be having a surge of cases". The fact that the Republicans care more about the economy rather than the people working in the economy really says a lot about their morals.
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