30 Seconds To Check It Out made an article on Fake News and strategies that people use to convince people that this news is real. First, what is Fake News? They defined Fake News as, “a term used to refer to fabricated news. Fake news is an invention – a lie created out of nothing – that takes the appearance of real news with the aim of deceiving people. This is what is important to remember: the information is false, but it seems true.”. The important aspect of Fake News is that it is a believable lie, and not something so far fetch that it would be “too obvious”. Another aspect of Fake News is that it tries to sell something to its audience, the example that the article uses is something that everyone has seen before while surfing the internet, “miracle diet to lose 10 kilos in one week, to become a better athlete, to do well on your exams, etc.”. Lastly the most interesting part of the article is manipulated deep fake videos for example there’s a speech done of Obama that is completely artificially generated. “The results are not always convincing, but this is just the beginning. The technology will surely improve. And this allows anyone to fake a video, even with no talent.”.
Links - https://30secondes.org/en/module/what-is-fake-news/ , https://youtu.be/gLoI9hAX9dw

[1 image, 2 Links, 4 quotes, 215 words]