Since Monday, rolling power outages have been making their way around Texas in hopes of bringing back balance to the supply and demand of the electricity in the market. How they orchestrate this is "the government agency that oversees the power grid in your state will call for rolling blackouts and your electric utility will administer temporary outages to one area at a time to limit the duration of the outages for each area" (Direct Energy).
As I've asked some of my friends that live in different neighborhoods, I have quickly discovered that most have either been without power completely since Monday or have had power for 20-30 minutes just for it to go out again. My friend Avery explained that "[she] [has] been without power for days and [has] grown annoyed with the whole situation." Texas hasn't seen weather like this in a long time, and most people have felt unprepared for conditions like this. The ones that got out ahead of it are the ones that already have or recently purchased generators. Many have caught on and have ventured out to find one but were turned away due to fast sellouts.
[1 image, 1 link, 2 quotations, 193 words]