Deciding to two different front pages of News Papers I noticed there were a lot of papers based in the same city; so I chose to do two different New Papers in the same city one written in English and the other in Spanish. The Los Angeles Times and La Opinion, by the first glance already are drastically different beside the language the Hispanic targeted paper, La Opinion has a great deal of more color having tones of blue, bright yellow, as well has a huge picture covering most of the front page. While the English paper The Los Angeles times is longer vertically contains more written information and three small pictures that don’t really catch the reader attention also having a lack of color. I do believe these News Paper are effective to their particular reader, as the reader can tell between the two different headlines with the Los Angeles Times headline is “Election anxiety runs high” and La Opinion is “Al Rescate de los inquilinos” translated to is “To the rescue of the Tenants” from what I am able to observe the Hispanic community seems to respond to flash given news with short summaries while the regularly English reader like to given more information starting off. These are two different journalism techniques that is planned to work towards their targeted audience, showing the algorithms that go into simple things such as the same news in the same city between two different languages.
[ 2 Images, 2 Quotes, 2 Links, 250 Words]
The Los Angeles Times Image:
La Opinion Image:
