Social Media's main purpose is to "connect" and "advertise". It connects us by letting us see what our friends and family are doing in their day to day life. Since it’s free, it uses our information to monetize. Advertisements are used in every Social Media to not only keep it alive but to profit. Company’s want their product seen by as many people as possible, which is where Social Media kicks in. “Over 500 million Tweets are published per day. On Facebook, over 300 thousand photos are uploaded a day and around 4 million shares occur a minute.” (Tomas 14) Billboards and advertising aren't as popular as they used to be, ever since the internet changed what people look at day to day.,connect%20with%20your%20target%20audience.&text=Social%20Ads%20are%20an%20incredibly,goals%20at%20relatively%20low%20costs.
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