This article talks about how social media failed to prevent misinformation from spreading over the Internet. Fake news targets the things you worry or fear the most and use evidence to convince you that the story is accurate. Some of the fake news we see on the Internet is generated from an algorithm. They draw the viewer's attention intentionally and also encourage viewers to share them with others. Many people choose to believe what's popular on the Internet, rather than what's proven to be true. The article mentions an interesting point that social media is somehow "designed to spread popular, rather than true, information." People who wrote those algorithms want popularity, and with popularity, there is profitability. As stated in the article, "popularity and profitability, rather than "truth" have historically been key in driving the algorithms that determine much of the content that we see on social media." It is hard to fight the spreading of fake news on the Internet since there isn't a clear way to distinguish between real and fake news. Therefore, the best strategy for viewers to avoid fake news is only to trust information from credible sources.
[1 image, 1 link, 2 quotations, 192 words].