Looking at the above images (also attached to my previous two posts), one might only see the unfairness of this arrest. The first photo shows Zoe Sturges handing a flower to a law enforcer at a protest. The second photo shows her being arrested. By only looking at these two photos without context, of course a viewer would be quick to assume what happened. In addition, the amount of “likes” and “reposts” on this widely-spread Instagram story leads the viewer to see more credibility in it. The other side of this story, however, is that Zoe Sturges knew she would likely be arrested if she crossed the police barricade- even if it was just to hand out a flower and make a statement. The law enforcement couldn’t make an exception for her because she still could have been concealing a weapon, and it would have shown that they were willing to make exceptions for certain protesters. At the end of the day, Instagram and other instant-news social media feeds make it extremely easy to see one side of the story- usually the most “sensational” or eye-catching one- and the rest of the story gets left out.
[2 photos, 1 link, 196 words]