Fake News is almost everywhere on Social Media and it is all up to you to choose whether you want to believe in it or not. There isn't much you can do beside fact check everything you see on the internet. Social media uses your information and sells it to ad companies for money. If your information is being used, then what you see on the social media is biased and it is based on what your information suggested what is best for you. In order to avoid fake news, we just have to stop believing in everything we see on the internet and start fact checking what interests us. As mentioned before Social Media is a public platform. There is no way you can stop people from posting false information. In the end, fake news results in conflict and arguments. "Free communication is not free. By decreasing the cost of information, we have decreased its value and invited its adulteration." (Menczer, Hills) With an increasing users everyday on every social media it is losing its value to be used for information.

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