Although there are a lot of guilt-inducing posts about the “news” on social media, many of them are actually providing feasible ways to help the Yemen crisis. The first step, of course, is to raise awareness about the situation (as many people have done in tweets like the ones mentioned in my last post). The next step, however, is to give people a way they can actually help. Making people aware about a situation only to make them feel guilty is helping no one. If we provide ways for people to actually take action, however, social media and news platforms can help people be a part of the solution. Many individuals and news sources (like CNN, New York Times, BBC, etc.) have posted about ways to help those in Yemen, such as raising money and signing petitions that are sent to local government (see the two screenshots above). I believe it is the posts like these, which provide answers to sustainable change, that will truly help people be more responsible leaders- posting more about action than empty words.
[2 images, 178 words]