Social media has grown exponentially as a source for finding all the latest news and keeping up with family and friends. When going on each social media site, it is important to note that the site may use certain algorithms to filter what you see. I find Facebook to have many sponsored posts with direct links to different news websites. These news sources tend to post a simple but engaging headline with a short summary of the story, followed by an informative picture. On Twitter, however, I tend to find more casual posts, with a link to the full story. For example, scrolling through my feed I saw a "tweet" stating, "Carrots are a big winner in New Hampshire," followed by a silly GIF of a bunny gobbling down a carrot. Without prior knowledge, I would not understand what the point of the tweet was. However, the title is engaging and the GIF grasped my attention, thus, I would click on the link to learn more.
No matter the social media you choose to involve yourself with or the stories you choose to click on from a post, it is important to do more research over the same topic if you are looking for a reliable source.
[ 1 image, 3 links, 1 quotation, 207 words ]