If you've taken a semester of Psychology in high school or college, you may have heard of the word holistic. If not, then this word might be new to you. As author Alyssa Zeisler used the Oxford English Dictionary definition, holistic is defined as "characterized by comprehension of the parts of something as intimately interconnected and explicable only by reference to the whole." In terms of news, a holistic approach means "bringing different voices into newsrooms." With the changing times of journalism in the past decade, taking a holistic approach would be to look at the individual aspects of journalism and make a more meaningful impact. My favorite quote of the article stated that with more holistic thinking "[we] might be more likely to dig deeply and support diverse stories...", which is exactly what coming into the new decade has been trying to accomplish. With implementing more diverse writers and voices can we then start to connect with the audience more and people around the world.

[1 image, 3 quotations, 1 link, 166 words]