As technology has become more and more inclusive, the ability to work together on tasks has become increasingly easy. The internet has progressed to allow users to collaborate on almost any assignment they could be assigned. As stated by Mariana Santos, "the realities of the industry and the world open the door to a new, more collaborative way of doing journalism". The advancing in internet capabilities has made it harder and harder for reporters to be ahead of the curve, per say, on events that happen in the world. She points out that collaborate events such as protests and press meetings have been on the rise recently, and why shouldn't journalism be treated the same way? A study by shows that the rise of collaborative journalism has led to the creation of 'journalism commons', where supplies that a journalist may need are all listed in an open domain that is free to access and aims to help journalists who work as a team. As, the industry changes, the workers must change as well, and I'd say they're doing a pretty great job at that.
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