The Onion is a satirical news outlet that releases fake news articles with a bit of a twist. I really like browsing through the website (knowing full well it’s falsified information) and just seeing the content they come up with. Recently they’ve been releasing videos too, and a lot of the times the content actually manages to fool a few people in the beginning. The way they do this is they actually use actors that look like real people and very realistic sounding scripts. For example, there was one video that mimicked a news show, the headlines and font actually made it look very legitimate. There was an official-looking headline “Are American Manslaughter Laws too Vague?” (The Onion 0:20) before launching into a group of show hosts discussing the current laws. Also, the formal and bold way of speaking really mirrored an actual report. It’s interesting how headlines and your way of speaking can really change the way people look at you, giving you a sense of authority.