Only 30 years ago Georgia was recovering from the end of Soviet rule and economically was in the gutter. News was monitored heavily and journalism was limited to state controlled news outlets, bringing biased and wrong information to the masses. Today that area of Europe, including Turkey, Armenia, etc., has all become more progressive and the rise of true investigative journalism can be noted, at least compared to what it was before. Digital media is still scarce in Georgia and state tv still informed a big facet of the people, however Nino Bakradze is changing this with the help of a company she and fellow journalist Nino Gagua founded called iFacts. After the company became established they brought on a major story: how 62% of the national reserve money kept aside for the people was put to various nefarious projects. In this article the use of ethos is in play through establishing Bakradze's credibility in journalism, stating the funding the company received was solely because the funders knew "Bakradze from her work on the Panama Papers." This cements Bakradze's opinions and findings in the minds of the readers as a capable journalist. Furthermore, the use of pathos is evident throughout the article with the description of iFacts and its journey to the position it is now. Every person enjoys an underdog tale and the article is playing to this.
[1 image, 1 link, 1 quote, 229 words]