We all have heard about pollution and how it is harming the environment. The rates for electric cars have been going up since they have come out with newer models and reminding us how this choice is better for the environment and how everyone is telling others to get an electric car to help not make the air dirty and unhealthy for us to breathe in. "Ever Charge'' wrote an article about the benefits of owning an electric vehicle vs. a gas vehicle trying to persuade their readers to lean towards an electric car, "Over the course of their lifetime, electric vehicles are far less expensive to maintain than their internal combustion counterparts, since electric vehicles don't have many of the components that need replacing/maintenance" (Ever Charger). Most of us in today's world, we drive a traditional gas vehicle that we are used to and are able to refuel about anywhere we go, on the other hand, when it comes to electric, we need to make sure that we always have 100% before we leave the house and if we decide to go somewhere even further, we need to plan ahead to know where and how we will be able to recharge the car. Now, of course everyone wants to have healthier air quality in our environment and help breathe in healthy air, but you have to think about the options that we are more open to with a gas vehicle than we are to an electric vehicle. This is a personal question that asks, do you want to drive on a car that is run by charging, or do you want to drive on a car that is run on gas?
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