After struggling through many big events in the past year, Journalists now have different views on what constitutes a “crisis” within our society. With views from journalists calling political, environmental, and social climates in a state of “crisis,” its time to dig deeper because “calling out an event as a crisis is no longer enough (if it ever was) to describe the thick layering of chronic crises, whether ecological, social, biological, or historical — nor are the typical templates of event-centric journalism” (Callison 2021). Through the beginning of 2020, our lives have changed drastically through the pandemic, climate change effects, and the political stage. This upcoming year will be a challenge for those in journalism and change how they present things in the future. In 2021, the journalists of the present will have to re-shape how they present events, people, and ideas in this time of change and rethink their ideas on the world they see today.
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