During the time of crisis and anger, a nation often looks back to their leaders and evaluates what the individuals have done to help or harm. Being covered for by Front pages of news media these days doesn't help the case with leaders screwing up. Trump's impeachment in 2019 was one for the books when it came to revealing how powerful it is to be on the front page of news sources. Many images make him look weak and at the mercy of the democratic house, or flat out makes he look ridiculous and guilty. Almost all sources for the front pages have the phrase " Trump impeached" or "IMPEACH" in bold becomes eye candy for many consumers. This draws them closer to the mindset that Trump is the one that did something wrong and is being justly punished. Through this process, I learn that front page is powerful in articulating a message and that it shouldn't be taken lightly.

[1 image, 1 link, 2 quotes, 155 words]