We just looked at the front page for The Dallas Morning News for 04/07/2021. Now let's look at Daily News. At the very top of the front page, there is a little statement about Business. Underneath this Business statement is the name of the company. Daily News is bigger than the article titles on the front page. Compared to Dallas Morning News, Daily News has the same font as the articles in their newspaper. Underneath the company's name is another short statement. Daily News states that they have been "serving the San Fernando and Surrounding Valleys." To the right of that, it says "An edition of the register." Underneath those two is a small section that states the date, that it is two dollars, where to find them on Facebook and Twitter, and their website. There are a total of 9 sections on the front page. Compared to Dallas Morning News, Daily News section titles are pink. The sections are the following: Long Beach, Pandemic, LAUSD, Local Differences, California, Orange, and Index. In the Long Beach section, there is an article titled "Feds get OK to house migrant kids." Also, along with the article is an inserted picture related to the article. When compared to the information provided in the article on the front page, Dallas Morning News and Daily News have similar size text. Underneath the Long Beach section is the Pandemic section and the LAUSD section. In the Pandemic Section, the title is "Country wary of state's plan to end virus rules." There is a photo of people walking the CityWalk with masks underneath the title. Underneath the photo is a quick description. The description states that "People enjoy a warm spring day at CityWalk at Universal Studios Hollywood on Tuesday. Many of the restaurants and shops are open with current orange tier guidelines, 50% indoor capacity..." In the LAUSD section there is an article, and the title is "Tentative deal struck on hybrid learning". Underneath those two sections are the Orange section, the California section and the Local Differences section. In the Orange section, there is an article, and it is titled "Arraignment of suspect in mass shooting placed on hold". The California section has an article, and it is titled "Most of the state's COVID-19 restrictions expected to disappear June 15". In the Local Differences section, there is an article, and it is titled "Officials say certain limitations likely to remain here even after California largely returns to normal". Also in the Local Differences section, there is a small inside story in the section, but to see the rest, people have to look at another page. Underneath those is the index section. In the index section has the page numbers for help, the forecast, and a bar code. Same as the Dallas Morning News on this link, the front pages change to the current day. For example, after today, the front page will be different tomorrow. Same as the Dallas Morning News each article for each section mentions a page number. The Orange section states that if people want more information on the topic, to go to "Orange > Page 4." Lastly, underneath all of the sections, there is a coupon.
[1 image, 1 link, 2 quotations, 536 words]
