Preventing the spread of fake news is more difficult than we think. Spreading misinformation takes less effort than trying to stop it. Sometimes, when we are trying to prevent the spread of fake news we can make it even worse. According to the article, Buchanan clarified that “ When we come across false information on social media, it is only natural to feel the need to call it out or argue with it. But my research suggests this might be more harm than good.” When we call out fake news or argue against it, it’s just giving the source more attention. There is a way to prevent us from doing anymore harm and stop fake news from spreading. According to the article, Buchanan revealed that “It might seem counterintuitive, but the best way to react to fake news - and reduce its impact- may be to do nothing at all.” Doing nothing can be a way to reduce people’s reactions to fake news and reduce its impact which are contributors to spreading fake news.
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