It is no secret that the way we receive news today is drastically different than the way our parents and the generations before received their news. An article from The Atlantic that analyzes the decline of print newspapers argues that the path print news is following right now is that same path as it did in the 1830s. With numerous ways to gain information, the decline of print newspapers is inevitable. "Between 2000 and 2015, print newspaper advertising revenue fell from about $60 billion to about $20 billion, wiping out the gains of the previous 50 years." With the uprise of popular news sites such as The Atlantic, The Washington Post, Business Insider, and many more, the need to pick up a print newspaper is a thing of the past. Soon enough in the Golden Age of Journalism, a full switch from print to online is a prediction bound to happen in the coming years. [1 quote, 1 link, 1 picture, 200 words]