With America at, believe it or not, a giant split as of right now, some can only feel that we are further drifting apart. How so? There are multiple factors that contribute to split. Lack of leadership is a major problem, as the president tends to fight fire with fire. For example on this tweet. Instead of addressing the issue, he seemingly uses degrading words and threats rather than figuring out a solution.

Another contributing factor is the media. If we take a look at PEWs Research, it is said that 47% of conservatives only rely on Fox News. With Fox news being such a major source of news, some who have never watched it tend to wonder, why are people so intrigued to watch such a channel? According to Dannagal G. Young, she states that news content "really efficiently checks all the boxes in one fell swoop: political, psychological, racial, cultural, and even aesthetic.” It is important that we recognize what is dividing the country and recognize the problem in a more kind mannar rather than being defensive so quickly.
[1 image, 3 links, 1 quotation, 182 words]