With Covid-19 running wild within the United States and false information worldwide, how do we know what is true or false? How is this incorrect information getting to the users of the internet? In an analysis written by Caitlin Dawson, the author dives deep into exploring what and how false information is spreading amongst the masses on social media. With "around 4% of the source posts contain false, misleading or clickbait information," the author goes on to talk about how this "misinformation can impact both the evolving health crisis, as well as upcoming elections" (Dawson, 2020). The author also looks at the changing of hashtags, and if they can be a tool to spread fake news across the popular social media site Twitter, with "new hashtags like "#coronapocalypse" start trending, or emerging hashtags pop up, such as "#dontbeaspreader" or "#stayhome"" (Dawson, 2020). These trending tags could be a massive tool to keep false information in the algorithm's sights and hinder any efforts to keep fake news out of the public eye. Although mostly used within a more positive way, specific trending tabs could hurt the growths we've had within the pandemic. With this tool in the hands of Twitter, will the company do anything to stop the spread of insufficient information?
[1 Image, 1 Link, 2 Quotes, 211 Words]