Twitter is known for their funny content and most importantly the fake news. Twitter is a mobile app created for users to interact and post online their thoughts. The app is full of fake news and in others words a false post full of misinformation. Twitter is a place where people post their own opinions and this can often be misinterpreted by younger people as facts.

For example a post was made saying "viruses cannot be transmitted by air
" which is very misleading and can cause people to believe it. One thing that I've noticed about twitter on their trending page the news section is a collection of tweets posted from News Channels twitter account, smaller news accounts, and people reacting to news and posting opinions. Commonly on twitter users post chopped videos and one-sided stories that keep readers from understanding the full perspective. Twitter is a platform that contributes to the spread of useful, true information that can positively affect the population, but it aids the spread of misinformation to people, especially the youth.
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