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The influence of Netflix

Netflix is one of the most watched streaming services in the world. Society has their free time separated for Netflix and discovering new tv shows. For that reason, its influence is extremely important.

Have you ever noticed how a tv show can impact our lives? Grey's Anatomy for example, a show about doctors that has been on air for almost 16 years, has impacted young people and adults. Besides that, many viewers became passionate for medicine because of it, and their interest grew due to the series.

So, it's evident how a simple media can make a difference in our lives, sometimes even bad. Parents might also be careful with what type of movies or series their children are watching. Many of them show drugs, violent behavior and even premature sex.

The images shown, seem captivating and are represented in a fantastic way that makes viewers want to live in those plots as well.

So, analyze carefully what you are watching and what you are allowing your kids to watch while they grow up, because it can influence your perspectives.

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