I picked this topic because it’s something that I often think about when I'm doing a drive or travel to a different city, small town or country and I happen to cross poverty areas. The thought of how some people live due to not having the same economic lifestyles that some of us are lucky to have makes me think about all the things some of them endure on a daily to get by in means of food and shelter.
One day I decided to do some research on how to contribute to helping the poorest communities in third world countries and some countries I visited in the past and I came across an article posted by “Cat Distasio” who mentioned about a company called “ Eco Domum” (Eco house) that’s started up in Mexico based that creates homes for low income families. Something that really brought my attention and thought how awesome it was to do something like this for others without charging them anything. Also, I was able to know that the company let people donate their cans to help which is something great that shows me that people do care about our environment!! There's always something that’s better that beats down the bad that’s in our world right now.
