According to Carrie Brown, Engaged Journalism* is on the rise and will continue to grow for years to come. In her Prediction for Journalism for 2020, she shows her excitement for this new development as she has been teaching the concept for years and even did her Master's thesis on the topic 20 years ago. With the growth of technology and instantaneous news, engaged journalism fits in well with the easily bored crowd of today. As further proof that engaged journalism is on the rise, Brown mentions the number of times she had been contacted to "help craft job descriptions for other news employers interested in finding people with engagement skills." Along with others adopting the idea and teaching it along with her, there is a recently added category for the Online Journalism Awards for engaged journalism. There is no doubt that engaged journalism will continue to grow in the coming years as technology expands its horizons and a personal touch is more appreciated than a bionic one.
( * ) engaged journalism is the journalism that is meant to be engaging with the audience, incorporating the suggestions and comments from the readers through their content.
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