Now, most people don’t think of Snapchat as a news feed at all, for most of us, Snapchat was the app that people used to send self-destructing photos to each other in middle school. Well, the app has had many changes over the years and usage is at an all-time high. Snap also recently launched a News section and made their Snapmaps more accessible within the app during the Snap Partner Summit. Snap Inc has already made clear that its “vision of the future, its camera platform replaces the home screen of a smartphone or the newsfeed of Facebook” based on their interview with the Guardian.
During the recent protest across American, Snapchat becomes a source of first-hand source for videos and photos of protestors. When popular hashtags and filters are used in a specific location, Snapchat clusters them into a map story with a heatmap showing volume, using the app you could visualize protest minutes after starting.
Snapchat doubled down on users using it for news by introducing the Discover page where you can get highlight news articles in quick bites by clicking through a publication’s story. They also make it incredibly easy to share with friends within messages to discuss a story, a simple swipe up also brings you to the whole article, and the ability to post it on your own story with a picture and picture format so that you can announce your opinion to your followers are all ways news is spread on the platform.
I might be a little optimistic about Snap’s long term success but I feel that it’s how social should be and I think the winner in the space, if not Snap, should learn a thing or two from them.
[1 image, 1 quotation, 3 links, 289 words]