The Great Big Story is an online media outlet that publishes videos on a wide range of topics. I am fascinated with botany and came across this video, which shows a glimpse inside the Alnwick Poison Garden. Upon reading about the garden and watching the Great Big Story video, I was able to deduct that the media outlet uses videography to inform and entertain its audience. They do this by using a witty host and informative information like the different classifications of plants and how they can be used to kill humans unintentionally. One example I found interesting is how “Giant Hog-Weed” is “phototoxic’ which means it “burns your skin,” and burns can last for up to “seven years.”
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tboW11dMeKs https://www.alnwickgarden.com/the-garden/poison-garden/
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