Clickbait is when someone puts out content and they use a catchy title or interesting picture to grab your attention and lure you into their article or information. However, People are not a fan of clickbait because they feel lied too or this article or information, they are viewing is a waste of time after its viewed. “Clickbait gets a bad rap. When done correctly, it’s one of the best ways to get people to take notice and give you their most precious asset: attention.” People have been using clickbait for generations and there’s no stopping soon, I believe it is a good thing to have clickbait because there needs to be some spice in the title or pictures to differentiate from the many others just like yours. The top three main tactics used in clickbait is popular news jacks, hot topics, and leaving the audience on a cliffhanger. These ways are very affective and grabs people attention.