The Corona Virus is scaring everyone and I don't feel like we're getting on the information. I wasn't scared until Tom Hanks tested positive for it. It just made things real for me and a lot of my friends. At the moment I'm confused about the symptoms. First you had a fever then now you don't show any symptoms. How do I know I have it? I feel like we've never experienced something like this. Ebola wasn't even this scary. Our spring break has been extended and my aunt won't allow me to work. With Ebola, I could go to school like nothing was going on. One of my friends is heartbroken and she is unable to see her friends. I'm an introvert, so this "quarantine" thing isn't going to bother me. Ebola didn't frighten people to the point of buying out stores like Corona has. Sadly, it's making me wish we were going through the Ebola virus again. I am afraid for my academic life. Everything being through canvas... I don't think I'll be able to do it. I like face to face learning, so this virus may have an effect on my grades and the time that goes into my work. Hopeful this goes away soon... hopefully.