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The Theories of Deja Vu: Part 3

Glitch Theory:

This final theory is the one that intrigues me the most. It falls along the lines of paranormal, reincarnation, and alternate dimension theories in that they are impossible to prove because they go against our perceptions of the universe.

Glitch Theory essentially states that time and reality are an illusion, and déjà vu occurs when our consciousness level elevates, and we momentarily escape the illusion. During that time, past, present, and future happen simultaneously, creating the feeling of having already experienced the current reality before. This theory coincides with Einstein’s theory of relativity, where he believed “time is tenseless, all points equally ‘real,’ so that future and past are no less real than the present.”

[1 image, 1 link, 1 quotation, 117 words]

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