Titles are an important part of every article, they're the forefront of every book, movie, news articles, and even blog posts such as this one. They explain to us the situation of the article we're about to read and can leave an impact on the reader before they even start to digest the words written or typed. With more and more information being presented online many journalists have strayed away from titles that provide accuracy to ones that are just there to attract your click.
In the article "The Evolution of Journalism: from Objectivity to Catchy Titles" the author explains [there is no author named] how Journalists have less of a need to generate titles that present accuracy, mostly due to the changes in how their publication earns money. For example "publications make money from impression-based or pay-per-click ads, in addition to other promotional arrangements, including sponsored contents and banner ads" meaning that a catchy title will overall generate more clicks, and therefore generate more payment for the publisher.
[1 image, 1 link, 1 quotation, 169 words]