Fake news is all around us and no matter what we do, it seems there is no cure to stop it from spreading. It is a cancer that cannot be cured but can be treated. After reading The Verge’s article on methods on how to stop reading or believing in fake news, I decided to summarize their important points. The Verge states that when reading a news source, “the first step is honing your sense of when a given piece is too good (or bad) to be true.” In short, you will directly notice with their recommended first step in play that a news source is either click-bait or news that is warped to appeal to a targeted audience. From this you can decide if the news is reliable or not. Secondly, the way to fight and prevent spreading fake news is to research the link providing such information. Look at dates and helpful/relevant information that can be supported by other reliable sources. This brings clarity and evidence as to what is being proposed. Step 3, The Verge recommends that one should find context. “The key here is looking for gaps in a story, or mismatches between a story’s claims and its actual source material.” Lastly, to fight fake news, weigh evidence before making a conclusion and relaying it. You decide what you believe is real or not by using all the steps provided. If it seems accurate with evidence to support it, then it might be true. The point is, instead of reading fake news that provides an opinion for you, you should read the news, and provide an opinion for yourself.
[1 image, 1 link, 2 quotes, 273 words]