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The Yellow Canary

In the journalism world 2020 was called "a black swan event, a term popular in economic circles thanks to the work of options trader Nassim Nicholas Taleb'' (Mina 1). People claimed that 2020 was an outlier compared to other years which seems true at first glance. Journalist An Xiao Mina discovered another view of the year 2020, but still using a metaphor. She compared 2020 to a yellow canary as 2020 was a year that highlighted the U.S.'s unprepared response against the pandemic. She then describes other events in 2020 that highlighted things in our society that need to be worked on. The way she writes about how she does not want things to return to normalcy is unique to other people's view of "normal". Mina claims that returning to normal would only mean that we didn't recognize that yellow canary and fix the problems within our country.

[150 words, 1 image, 2 links, 1 quote]

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