The layout of web news page makes difference in the frequency of the page viewed. Where and what kind of information is located in the page is plays a important role to attract audience as well as visual contents along with a catchy title. Fox News home page is consist of 1 big image with a catch phrase and more than 6 sub articles with images. Once you follow the biggest report, you will see many paid contents following you as you scroll down. The size of the title font is one of the biggest among other news media; it will emphasize the subtitle and the context. A phrase like "See You Sooner" (Shaw) in the main page will make audience curious about the meaning hidden behind it.

However, CNN home page is filled with small letters of article titles with only 3 similar size image links. The audience have to read it through the list of articles and decide what they are interested in. It generates less attention to a specific report but gives wider spectrum of choice. Readers should choose a better layout to maximize the efficiency of reading experience. If you don't spend much time to choose what to read, then websites that has similar layouts as Fox News will save time and effort. Otherwise, it is always good to skim what minor issues are happened using news media with various information before you start reading.
[1 image, 2 links, 1 quotation, 239 words]