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Clint Eastwood famously said "Tomorrow is promised to no one." He is right. Whether it be the COVID-19 pandemic or the ongoing natural disasters that have occurred over the last 12 months, we have taken Mr. Eastwood's thinking to heart. While our society adapts to the ongoing weirdness of this decade, journalists everywhere have to find the best ways to plan for an uncertain tomorrow.

Candis Callison says that "Though recent events surely create various kinds of crises, panic, and anxiety, recognizing the deeply rooted conditions that amplify these events requires that journalists pay attention to systems, contexts, and social ordering in a way they haven't had to recently." This quote speaks for all of the journalists struggling to find ground in this new COVID-19 era. I believe the impact that certain events such as this new southern winter storm, in addition to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, create a new set of standards for journalists like Candis. It seems the future of journalism is applying pressure that was never there before. For instance, the impact of social media and misinformation across all platforms seems to be undermining the reputation of these journalists. Thus, making it that much harder for them to establish transparency and well written articles. However, with the rise of the digital age, lies a bright future full of potential for all journalists.

With the sun setting on yesterday and rising on tomorrow, we need to be extra grateful for the hardworking journalists that are continuing to impact our communities in a positive way.

If you want to read more about Candis Callison's article, the link is the following:

[1 image, 1 link, 2 images, 272 words]

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