With the flurry of information available at your fingertips 24/7, there are more outlets than ever for your news. Some people choose to watch cable news, some get their news from social media apps, some still read newspapers. However you do it, you have to be careful about what you're reading and who is telling it to you. Believe it or not, not everybody has noble intent. Some people intend to mislead and spread misinformation, and being able to spot when lies are being told is becoming an increasingly important skill to have in our modern world. Skills like being able to conduct independent research, and being an intelligent consumer of information are crucial. People that make a living through social media apps know this most of all, as they spend their days consuming information, they're forced to adapt. Like YouTuber, Ryan Higa, who said "Fake news and rumors thrive online because few verify what's real and always bias towards content that reinforces their own biases." I couldn't agree more. I focus on Twitter as it is the one I use the most. Yet it is important to understand that the app tailors itself around you, meaning you can fall into an echo chamber very easily.
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