Many people around the world rely specifically on twitter to be their news source. People favor this source because the information can be found so quickly and you can even discuss the certain situation with others around the globe instantly. In a way, it somewhat makes us feel like we're not alone.

Most of Twitter's news can be found under the "news for you" section. The trending news seems to be caused by alliteration throughout many peoples tweets in a short period of time. Say for example; an earthquake just occurred in California. Lots of people feel an earthquake, the trending hashtags during that time would most likely be #California #earthquake, just because those tweets have those key words and many are talking about the same thing, hence the topic would be trending. In an article about how twitter works, on, the writer states " Twitter also provides a number of related hashtags, and allows you to change the way the results are displayed". With related hashtags, the user has various options and sources they can choose from.
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