Twitter has become very popular within the age of social media; it is sort of like a blog except the blogger is limited to 280 characters which forces people to get to the point on what they’re saying. However, in this article I read, its main focus is how the Twitter Timeline works and how it curates’ tweets to its users. First what is a Twitter Timeline, basically its what the user sees when they first open the app and sign in, by default the timeline is set to “reverse-chronological order”. But since times have changed, “In an attempt to improve the Twitter experience, the team at Twitter has gradually introduced changes to how they show tweets on the timeline”. The way the Twitter timeline works now is that it first breaks tweets into three categories which are Ranked tweets, “In case you missed it” tweets, and lastly anything that doesn’t fit in that category will be arranged in reverse-chronological order. Every time the user opens the app the algorithm will, “study all the tweets from the accounts you follow and give each of them a relevance score based on server factors”. These factors can be broken into 3 parts as well which are the recency and engagement of the tweet, the user’s past interactions with the author, and lastly how engaging the user is with Twitter. These are just a few ways the Twitter algorithm has improved since 2015 and it is projected to still change.
[1 image, 1 Link, 4 quotes, 227 words]
