Schools teach its students skills for jobs that they will apply to when they graduate, sometimes sooner. STEM majors take a multitude of math and science courses to apply to the construction of building, robots, energy production, and technology. Theater majors will learn about the history of theater, participate in school production, with adequate English courses. Yet, the skills learned in school will mean little to nothing without leadership, teamwork, or communication skills. Instead of teaching students to aim for a job title that is in demand, they should be taught skills that are in demand. In Cindy Royal's Prediction for 2020, she states, "Communication proficiency must be taught in a digital product context to prepare students with relevant and desirable skills, regardless of job title." She specifically says "communication proficiency in a digital product context" as every company is attempting to make their own online presence for customers to flood into, find accessible information about them and about the products they have. Today's world needs schools to teach their students the proper skills to make it easier to acquire a job with the growing world of technology.
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