The visual representation of news can make or break the way one reacts to the news. You can often see news articles incorporating pictures, videos, and even fancy text within their articles to grab peoples attention, such as in this article by Fox News: In the past few years, social media has become one of the most common sources for people to get their news, whether it is through the Explore page or on particular media accounts. It has become increasingly important for news sources, such as the Washington Post or Fox News, to look closely at the way they show the news to their audience.

Fox News takes a basic approach to giving the news, incorporating eye-catching pictures and small black boxes of quotes from influential people for the majority of their pictures. Most notably, they use red triangles on top of the black to frame the quotes, catching viewers eyes and drawing their attention to the quotes. This could be a method to grab attention, and big bold colors and fonts are often more convincing.

In contrast, the Washington post chooses to do completely black screens for nearly all of their posts, with the only thing on the screen being a headline in bright white. They often use word choice that draws the reader in, such as "an Ohio town's Black Lives Matter event was overrun by armed counter-protesters," and with the black screen, their posts come off in an almost chilling manner. This reveals their intent to solely give the news with no distractions.
[2 images, 1 quotation, 1 link, 263 words]